Series Finale: The Future of Love – Walk the Talk of Love with Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni- Dec. 18th!

The Future of Love: Walk the Talk of Love
with Ken Wilber and Dr. Marc Gafni
Saturday, December 18th
11-12:30pm PT, 12-1:30pm MT, 2-3:30pm ET
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Hi friends,

Doesn’t it feel like we just started the “Future of Love” conversation? And here we are, already wrapping up our 6-month series on December 18th with our favorite pandit, Ken Wilber, dialoguing with Dr. Marc Gafni. During these past six months we’ve heard from some of the world’s leading Lamas, Rinpoches, Swamis, Rabbis, Pandits, Zen Masters, Fortune 500 CEO’s, Artists, Musicians, Couples Experts, Yogis and Yoginis, and more””all discussing the Future of Love with our Integral Evolutionary community.

On behalf of Integral Spiritual Experience, Integral Life, and iEvolve: Global Practice Community, it’s been an honor to host and participate in this global We-Space of Love. We are humbled and gratified by the influence our Future of Love teleseries has generated in the larger spiritual community. It could not have happened without your full participation.

Since the inception of Integral Spiritual Experience over two years ago, we have seen a beautiful evolution of Integral discourse and community. Initiated by Ken, Marc, Diane, Sally, and Robb, ISE has reshaped the Integral conversation with the teachings of Unique Self, The Future of Love, and more. Love has become a central part of the evolutionary conversation and in reality we have together realized that love and integral are one and the same. Again, we thank you deeply for your participation.

For those of you who are interested in taking a deeper dive into the Future of Love, you are personally invited to join us at Integral Spiritual Experience 2: The Future of Love – Evolutionary Integral Relationships. Nothing can top our last six months together like getting offline and practicing with one another face-to-face and heart-to-heart.

Let’s take theory into practice at Integral Spiritual Experience 2!

We hope you join us Saturday, December 18th for the series finale of the Future of Love teleseries with Ken Wilber and Dr. Marc Gafni. In this dialogue Ken and Marc will pick-up where they left off, discussing Love as the very Eros of Evolution. They will explore the deepest meaning of Love and provide a theoretical framework for Integral Love Practice, as well as offer a guided meditation to move the climax of our series from talking about Love to engaging Love as a spiritual practice. This is a dialogue not to be missed!

With love,

Kelly Sosan Bearer
Executive Producer
The Future of Love Teleseries

Series Finale: The Future of Love – Walk the Talk of Love with Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni- Dec. 18th!2022-07-06T03:20:29-07:00

The Future of Love Teleseries

Participate in the Future of Love Teleseries!

“I Love You.”

Consider the impact that these words””spoken in the right place, at the right time, by the right person, in the right way””have had on your life. In our time, so many of the old words of the sacred have lost their capacity to move us, dethroned by the rigorous critiques of modernity and post modernity.  But the authentic expression of love always holds a radical power to touch and even transform our lives.

We sometimes wait our whole lives to hear “I love you” spoken with total authenticity.

We may wait even longer to be able to say it. But to hear or speak these words sincerely is a complete affirmation of all that is sacred. For many of us today, the words ”˜love’ and ”˜meaning’  are virtually indistinguishable.

Yet, what do we mean by “love”? Is love simply the tender feeling you have for a friend or a relative, a lover or a spouse? Or is there something more profound about love’s meaning, something that accounts for its power to transform a life, in every way?

Love is more than just a feeling. Enlightened teachers through the ages have told us that love is the dynamic ground of all reality. If that’s true, then love can be seen as the actual force that drives evolution””the force the Greeks called Eros””as well as the enlivening joy that  opens the heart.

So what is love, when we see it from both a personal and an evolutionary perspective? How do we find it, nurture it, and sustain it?

Modern science and philosophy point out that all levels of reality are evolving. The world of today is wildly different then the world of yesterday.  Matter, body, mind and even spirit are in flux. When we understand the profound evolutionary context of life, we realize that love must be evolving as well. (more…)

The Future of Love Teleseries2022-07-06T03:20:29-07:00
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